It's that time of year again, and it's time for new resolutions. If you haven't made yours yet, EdLive has some ideas for you. In this article, you'll also have the opportunity to discover our resolutions for 2021. 



Travel while respecting nature 

Last year's health crisis has severely restricted travel. If the situation allows, travel and enjoy all the wonders that Canada and the rest of the world have to offer. If possible, try to travel responsibly, using less polluting means of transport and promoting the local economy rather than that of the big tourist chains. Your travels will be all the more exceptional for it.  


Playing sports 

In 2021, we continue to take care of ourselves and our bodies. We know that many people have an aversion to sport. You don't have to go to the gym every day, or run marathons... Just regular physical activity is enough to bring countless benefits to your body. There are so many different sports to choose from, it's up to you to find the one that's right for you. The aim is not to torture you, but to give you a good time.  


Stop procrastinating 

We're putting an end to procrastination once and for all. This year, we're working on our unrivalled talent for putting things off. It's better to do what can be done right away, the same day, especially if it's a daunting task, so you can get rid of it faster. 


Challenging yourself 

In life, it's good to try to go beyond your limits. This applies to all areas: personal, professional, academic... In this new year, go beyond the limits you've set for yourself, and you'll come out stronger and more fulfilled. 


No longer overdrawn

Money is often a source of stress and it's easy to find yourself overdrawn, especially when you're a student. It's important to treat yourself, but sometimes ask yourself if "that seventh beer or second round of shots are really necessary?" or "will I ever actually wear that pair of sneakers?" These seemingly trivial questions will save you more than you think. 


Going to bed earlier 

A good night's sleep has undeniable benefits for our morale, health and physique. Scientists generally recommend between seven and eight hours' sleep a night, although this can vary from one individual to another. Find the sleeping time that suits you best, and try not to stay up too late. 


Stop snacking between meals 

We're all tempted at some point in the day by the cookies and chocolates tucked away at the back of the cupboard, but this year, we're stopping snacking between meals. Your body will thank you! To start with, eat really good, balanced meals, preferably at set times. And if you feel hungry during the day, which can happen, opt for a piece of fruit or a dairy product.  


What if, for once, we stopped making good resolutions that we might not even keep for two months, and simply enjoyed the year 2021, promising ourselves to do things that make us happy. At EdLive, this year we've decided to have just one resolution, but to stick to it very firmly: to do what makes us, and you, happy! We've decided to reinvent and improve ourselves every day to offer you ever more solutions tailored to your needs, while taking maximum pleasure in our work: coaching you on the road to success. EdLive wishes you a very happy new year 2021, which we hope will be filled with joy and success for you.