Not sure what to do this weekend? EdLive gives you some ideas!


Friday evening 


We get together to play a board game:

These days it's almost impossible to get together with friends, but don't worry, we've got the solution: Plato ! This downloadable platform lets you play over twenty board games online with your friends, free of charge. Join your friends on this platform for a wild evening of board games: Uno, Time's up, Loup Garou, Trivial Pursuit... There's no shortage of games!




We learn how to make a despacito: 

No, no, we're not talking about the hit of the same name, which has racked up over 6 billion views, but about a cake. And yes, despacito isn't just a song, it's also a delicious Brazilian chocolate cake made with a Genoese cookie and chocolate mousse. Try it and enjoy !



Despite COVID-19 restrictions, climbing centers remain open. Group courses have been discontinued, but free climbing is still permitted. Despite the rain, get off your sofa and head to the Zéro Gravité center to enjoy their climbing wall. Reservations required.




Yoga session:

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A year ago, I'd just finished my first 200H training course with Clotilde Swartley in Paris (@swartleyclotilde) and I didn't really know what I'd decide to do with it. Now that my professional project is clear, I feel like devouring books, training courses and other workshops. I've taken another amazing course here in Montreal with Jill (@jillacroyoga) and Terri (@shadowmackie) at Studio Wanderlust (@lestudiodeyogawanderlust), and in a few weeks I'll be starting the Pre & Post Natal course at @degasquetinstitut, which will enable me to create sequences especially for expectant and new mothers, and to better adapt my Vinyasa classes for you who contact me and want to practice while pregnant. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that I met Dr Bernadette de Gasquet for an episode of the podcast (Ep 14 Yoga et Maternité), which I recommend to you 🎧

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Start the day off right with a little yoga. The YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene offers a multitude of sessions of varying length, through which you can learn about yoga, work on your flexibility or learn to let go to better relax and refocus on yourself. The bravest among you can even take on a 30-day challenge.


Let's take a hike: 

In this season of Indian summer, there's nothing better than a short hike to enjoy the magnificent scenery that nature has to offer. This October, EdLive recommends a trip to Oka National Park. Just over an hour's drive from Montreal, this park offers a wide range of hiking opportunities. It's up to you to choose the trail that suits you best! More hiking ideas here



For more activity ideas, take a look at previous weeks' articles here! 😉




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